Deformities - Injuries


Patients who are bedridden or inadequately mobilized may develop sores in sites where excessive pressure is applied, like buttocks. Their healing potential is very low and their treatment takes quite long because they necrotize all deep tissues and eventually expose denuded bones.

Provided local and general conditions of the patient allow, sores can be surgically covered with skin and subcutaneous tissues that are mobilized from adjacent or far sites (the so-called flaps) using various refined techniques. That dramatically improves local conditions, facilitates nursing care and improves the final outcome.

<p>Έξω πλευρά δεξιού ισχίου - Προεγχειρητικά</p>

Έξω πλευρά δεξιού ισχίου - Προεγχειρητικά

<p>Έξω πλευρά δεξιού ισχίου - Μετεγχειρητικά</p>

Έξω πλευρά δεξιού ισχίου - Μετεγχειρητικά

<p>Γλουτός - Προεγχειρητικά</p>

Γλουτός - Προεγχειρητικά

<p>Γλουτός - Μετεγχειρητικά</p>

Γλουτός - Μετεγχειρητικά

All pictures originate from Mr M. Tyllianakis personal file